Do consultants typically charge for travel time?

Most of the public relations professionals I've spoken to agree that you have to bill for time if a specific client requires the trip and prevents the consultant from serving other people. Do consultants charge for travel time? Although it depends on the individual consultant, many consultants charge for time spent traveling to client facilities. A while ago I addressed the topic of billing for travel expenses and it has become one of the hottest topics on this site. However, if you're generally interested in knowing how consultants make money, check out my article on how to set consulting fees.

There are four big ones here: when it comes to policies, yes. I often travel 4 hours a day. They would never expect me to pay for that trip out of pocket. So I don't understand why you're expected to just “eat” that time.

Customers are spoiled if even a consultant deducts travel time from cost. Yes, when I work during the flight, which I usually do. Yes. Trips count from the point of view of hours the same as normal billable hours.

In terms of what is charged for work, the travel fare is 50% of the standard fare. We deduct our standard trip to the office from the travel time. Perfect Cents “We have a set of diets that we implement when we travel to “outside” projects that require a flight. During the trip, we also cover the costs of flights, hotels and meals.

Our customers are always comfortable with these charges, as we discuss costs upfront at our initial meetings. And for any local trip made by our design team, we simply include it in the initial rate. Dennese Guadeloupe Rojas, Interiors by Design, Washington, D.C. My company pays for my travel and hotel expenses, but cannot charge the customer for it (my daily rate covers it).

I think a reasonable option is to charge what is more than the standard trip. It's the only option that really makes sense and encourages teams to go to hotels, instead of recording time throughout the project (including travel time) and any excess that exceeds the initial minimum of estimated hours is billed. Big4 consultant in Germany, for us travel time is considered rest time by law, also known as not working time (unless you drive yourself) and not only is it not billed but it is not paid. I bill for packed luggage and exaggerate my actual billing on travel days to take into account the foolishness that the trip cannot be checked in.

Dylan Nemecek
Dylan Nemecek

Typical social media ninja. Professional pop culture nerd. Unapologetic bacon advocate. Proud pop culture guru. Incurable social media nerd.

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